Start Again

It's easy to use 2020 in toto as an excuse for falling back into old bad habits. This has been a hard year for all of us, and it turns out that you can find just about any vice, even in lockdown. Interesting, isn't it?

But I don't really want an excuse. The last month has basically been a giant “setback” in the terminology of addiction recovery. I basically gave up, out of boredom and anger and angst and worry and bad decisions made late at night.

So I'm building up all the defenses I built the first time, shoring up walls, as it were. And this was one of them. So I'm trying again.

I might un-list this from It feels very self-serving to take up space; if people want to see what I'm up to then people can find this blog on the wider internet.

Anyway. Today is 7 days free for this latest breakout attempt. I'm back, and I'm done giving up.

-A A for Anonymous. A for Author. A for Addict. Working on removing that last one.